Tuesday 10 April 2012



                  The darkness seemed to dissolve,
                        The world laid out before me,
                             In nihility the moon resolves,
                                 The caliginous entity,    
                                      The pallid light so bright,
                                          Deep in a cerulean sea,
                                                                 In the curtain sheath of night,
                                                             I fall under the spell,
                                                         Of heaven’s starry evening veil,
                                                      In bewilderment I fell,
                                                  For this quintessential sight,
                                             Where clandestine beauty swell,
                 And from athwart my stance,
                    Night’s divine nepenthic trance,
                        Bedighting beauty to thine eyes,
                          To ethereal leaves that fly,
                              In their sylphic dance,
                                Above in Terpsichore prance,

                                                                 And as the sun rose,
                                                            With its golden gold,
                                                         It frayed the edges of the sky,
                                                    Drowning in delightful sorrow,
                                                Life awakes to mornings cry,
                                             To bring hope to us tomorrow.


                                                          By:  Selena N.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Write For Your Life

Selena Nightmare
777 Tacoworld
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 5V8                                                                                                                         February 2, 2012

Dear Mrs. Draude,

I feel that you should spare my life because I have a very large family.
A very large family of 107 vampire nazi terrorists, and they would be very sad if I happen to perrish in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean. I myself am not a nazi vampire but hey, we can't choose our families right? Did I also mention that they have the ability to create the zombie apocalypse? We wouldn't want that to happen now would we. Also, I can sadly asure you that you would be the first one they will go after, with the whole 'killing me' thing. Did I also mention I have a adorable little floppy-eared bunny rabbit named Pickles, and I can't trust my family for anything so how could I be sure he'd get fed? You wouldn't want an innocent bunny to starve to death would you? Besides, if it wasn't for me my brothers would've turned him into a little bunny vampire by now and thrown him at the neighbors cat for fun. Anyways your probably wondering about my plans for the future. I just want to move to Europe, become the next Ghandi, and take over the world by selling pudding thats soooo delcious it turns people into Oompa Loompas who will serve me for 1000 years, is that so much to ask?

Sincerely yours,
Selena N.